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接頭辞 ( Prefixes )

A letters or letters added to the end of a word to form a new word.



-able, -bleable, capableacceptableable to accept
characterized by,
having quality of
fallacioushaving the quality of a fallacy
-agesum, totalmileagetotal number of miles
-alof, like, suitable fortheatricalsuitable for theater
-ance, -ancyact or state ofdisturbanceact of disturbing
-ant, -entone whodefendantone who defends him or herself
-ary, -arhaving the nature ofmilitaryrelating to concerning soldiers
-cyact, state, or position ofpresidencyposition of president
-domstate, rank,
that which belongs to
wisdomstate of being wise
-enceact, state,
or quality of
dependencestate of depending
-er, -orone who, that whichconductorone who conducts
-escentbecomingobsolescentbecoming obsolete
-fyto makepacifymake peaceful
-hoodstate, conditionadulthoodstate of being adult
-ic, -acof, likedemonicof or like a demon
-il, -ilehaving to do with, like,
suitable for
civilhaving to do with citizens
-ionact or condition ofoperationact of operating
-ioushaving, characterized byanxiouscharacterized by anxiety
-ishlike, somewhatfoolishlike a fool
-ismbelief or practice ofracismbelief in racial superiority
-istone who does, makes, or
is concerned with
scientistone concerned with science
-ity, -ty, -ycharacter or state of beingamityfriendship
-iveof, relating to,
tending to
destructivetending to destroy
-logue, -loquyspeech or writingmonologuespeech by one person
-logyspeech, study ofgeologystudy of the Earth
-mentact or state ofabandonmentact of abandoning
-monya resulting thing,
condition, or state
patrimonyproperty inherited from one's father
-nessact or qualitykindnessquality of being kind
-oryhaving the quality ofcompensatoryhaving the quality of a place or thing for compensation
lavatoryplace for washing
-ous, -osefullof, havingglamorousfull of glamour
-shipskill, state of beinghorsemanshipskill in riding
ownershipstate of being an owner
-somefull of, likefrolicsomeplayful
-tudestate or quality ofrectitudestate of being morally upright
-wardin the direction ofhomewardin the direction of home
-yfull of, like, somewhatwilyfull of wiles