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接頭辞 ( Prefixes )

A group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning and make a new word.



a-in, on, of, toabedin bed
a-, ab-, abs-from, awayabradewear off
absentaway, not present
a-, an-lacking, notasymptomaticshowing no symptoms
anaerobicable to live without air
ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-to, towardaccostapproach and speak to
adjunctsomething addied to
aggregatebring together
ambi-, amphi-around, bothambidextroususing both hands equally
amphibiousliving both in water and on land
ana-up, again, anew, throughoutanalyzeloosen up, break up into parts
anagramword spelled by mixing up letters of another word
ante-beforeantediluvianbefore the flood
anti-againstantiwaragainst war
arch-first, chiefarchetypefirst model
auto-selfsutomobileself-moving vehicle
bene-, ben-good, wellbenefactorone who does good deeds
circum-aroundcircumnavigatesail around
com-, co-, col-, con-, cor-with, togetherconcentratebring close together
cooperatework with
collapsefall together
contra-, contro-, counter-againstcontradictspeak against
counterclockwiseagainst the clock
de-away from, down, opposite ofdetractdraw away from
demi-halfdemitassehalf cup
di-twice, doubledichromatichaving two colors
dia-across, throughdiametermeasurement across
dis-, di-not, away, fromdisliketo not like
digressturn away from the subject
dys-bad, poodyslexiapoor reading
equi-equalequivalentof equal value
ex-, e-, ef-from, outexpatriateone who lives outside his or her native country
emitsent out
extra-outside, beyondextraterrestrialfrom beyond the earth
fore-in front of, previousforecasttell ahead of time
forelegfront leg
geo-earthgeographyscience of the earth's surface
homo-same, likehomophonicsounding the same
hyper-too much, overhyperactiveoverly active
hypo-too little, underhypothermiastate of having too little body heat
in-, il-, ig-, im-, ir-notinnocentnot guilty
ignorantnot knowing
illogicalnot logical
irresponsiblenot responsible
in-, il-, im-, ir-on, into, inimposeplace on
invadego into
inter-between, amonginterplanetarybetween planets
intra-, intro-within, insideintrastatewithin a state
mal-, male-bad, wrong, poormaladjustedadjust poorly
mis-badly, wronglymisunderstandunderstand wrongly
mis-, miso-hatredmisogynyhatred of women
mono-single, onemonorailtrain that runs on a single rail
neo-newneolithicon the New Stone Age
non-notnonentitya nobody
ob-over, against, towardobstructstand against
omni-allomnipresentpresent in all places
pan-allpanoramaa complete view
peri-around, nearperiscopedevice for seeing all around
post-afterpostmortemafter death
pre-before, earlier thanprejudicejudgment in advance
pro-in favor of, forward, in front ofproceedgo forward
prowarin favor of war
re-back, againrethinkthink against
reimbursepay back
retro-backwardretrospectivelooking backward
se-apart, awaysecludekeep away
semi-halfsemiconscioushalf conscious
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-under, beneathsubscribewrite underneath
suspendhang down
super-above, greatersuperfluousoverflowing, beyond what is needed
syn-, sym-, syl-, sys-with, at the same timesynthesisa putting together
sympatheya feeling with
tele-fartelevisionmachine for seeing far
trans-acrosstransportcarry across a distance
un-notuninformednot informed
vice-acting for,
next in rank to
viceroyone acting for the king